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It’s Time Right Now To Start Trying On Your 2023 Word Of The Year!

Word of the year is one single word or small phrase that you focus on and connect to throughout the year. It will filter in through your entire life from how you react to others, to how you care for yourself, and how you prioritize your life.

Your word of the year is NOT your goals you set. It is a word that will help motivate you so you reach and achieve your goals. Looking at your goals for 2023 will help you pick the right word for you.

Your word/word phrase will be a gentle reminder about your priorities you have set for yourself and the word is there to help you stay focused and get refocus through the year as needed.

Right now is a great time to think about a word/word phrase that helps you to connect yourself to your goals and aspirations. It’s a great idea to make a list of words you are attracted to and try them on for a few days to see if you connect or not.

How to Choose and Use a Word of the Year


  • Jot down any words that you immediately think of.

  • Go through the word inspiration list at the end of this post

  • Go with your initial “gut” reaction first.

The words that you choose should be powerful and positive! They should reflect the path you want. If you’re setting goals or resolutions for 2023, how can your word enhance your goals and give you flow and direction?

It’s okay if you think of a lot of words at first. This means that you’re passionate and have a lot of dreams and goals. You will work on narrowing these down as we go.


  • What is missing from your life?

  • Where is your life headed? Do you like that path or do you want to change it?

  • What are your goals for your personal life?

  • What are your goals for your professional life?

Do a little soul searching. Maybe journal about your future self of next year. I think about these 7 areas of my life.

1. Self-care

2. Relationships (starting with the relationship with myself first)

3. Financial

4. Work/Career

5. Spiritual

6. Fitness

7. Fun/Recreation/Entertainment/Vacation

Dig deep. Think about goals you have for yourself in each of these categories. And then look at your word list. What words fit most categories. Add to or subtract from your list as necessary. I find that the most powerful words are the ones that are deeply meaningful and apply to many different parts of my life.


Try each word on. Visualize the word motivating you and you reaching your goals of 2023. If you do not connect to the word cross it off and move on to the next. If you’re left with more than one, you could consider focusing on one word per quarter instead of for the whole year. This one little focus word should resonate with your being and feel right for you!

Remember!! There are no wrong answers, this word is for you! It’s for your heart and your mind. A word that motivates you! A word that you connect too from your inner most being.


How do you set yourself up for the greatest success?

  • Use your word/word phrase daily.

  • Write it on a sticky note or your journal.

  • Use it as a screen saver on your phone.

  • Write it on your bathroom mirror.

  • Put it on the steering wheel of your vehicle.

  • Put it on the fridge.

  • In the fridge.

Get creative!!! The more your brain sees it….the more your mind will connect to it.

Use your word in an “I am” statement. For example: Maybe you picked “strong” as your word for 2023. The “I am” statement would be “I am strong”. “I am” are the two strongest words. “I am” statements can help inspire and motivate you to act and think in a way that will align with your ideals and goals. Repeating these statements and concentrating on the mental images or visualizations that they invoke, will help to influence your behavior, your thoughts and your reactions.

Another way to use your Word of the Year would be to create a vision board. You could also create a monthly quote or saying around your Word of the Year.

You can use your word to set goals or intentions for each area of your life but have them all tie back to the single word. For example, if your word of the year was “abundance” you might have sub-goals of investing in an abundant number of friendships, or hitting an income goal, or spending more quality time with the people you love without your phone.

My Words for the Past 4 Years

  • 2019- Faith

  • 2020- Commit

  • 2021- Align

  • 2022- Nourish

Here is my list of 50 of my favorite motivating words:

  1. Align

  2. Authentic

  3. Blessed

  4. Bold

  5. Breathe

  6. Calm

  7. Centered

  8. Change

  9. Commit

  10. Confidence

  11. Discipline

  12. Dream

  13. Empower

  14. Faith

  15. Fit

  16. Focus

  17. Grace

  18. Gratitude

  19. Grounded

  20. Honesty

  21. Humility

  22. Integrity

  23. Intentional

  24. Joy

  25. Kind

  26. Learn

  27. Listen

  28. Love

  29. Mindful

  30. Motion

  31. Nourish

  32. Organize

  33. Peace

  34. Persevere

  35. Play

  36. Present

  37. Progress

  38. Radiant

  39. Relationships

  40. Reset

  41. Rise

  42. Risk

  43. Simplicity

  44. Sparkle

  45. Strong

  46. Teach

  47. Thrive

  48. Whole

  49. Yes

  50. Zen

Enjoy picking your word of the year out! Once you have your word of the year picked out, share with others, including here what your word of 2023 is. And if you are looking to work with a life coach in 2023 to help you move forward with your goals you have, set up a complimentary Discovery call with me. Click on “Work With Me”. Click on “Book free discovery call here”. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have about working with a life coach! Have fun picking your Word Of 2023! Hugs,

Coach Kammy

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