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Happy 2nd anniversary! You will be seeing More of me!

Well H-E-L-L-O there! Another long time break between my last blog post to now. I can say this is changing! More about that in a second......... First I want to say HAPPY 2ND ANNIVERSARY TO WARRIOR K COACHING! This is something I am very proud of! This is something I have been thinking about the last few weeks. Where do I want to take Warrior K Coaching this year? What are things I can improve on? What areas do I choose to grow? A few of the things I am working on this next year is to step you more into the life of someone that is actively working on loving herself more and someone who is actively working on losing weight at the same time. I can do this by being more open to sharing my weight loss journey with you. I also wanted to be more consistent with my blogging. This is a great way to attack two of my goals for myself this next year. So.....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO WARRIOR K COACHING! YOU WILL BE SEEING MORE OF ME! One thing I absolutely love working with my very own life when she shares her weight loss journey.....more of the ins and outs....not just sharing things I can work on but how and what that really looks like in her life. I call this "real world thinking". And I want to extend this offer to you. PERFECTIONIST CHECK IN MOMENT: When I started thinking about this....I want to share what my brain said....... I will do this every morning. I will journal. I will use my journal to create my blog. I can share what I journal or build from there. I will do this in the I create my food plan for the day. Now.......the key word here that I paused and thought about the word "every". I don't have to do a blog post every day. I don't have to blog at all! First of all I am offering this gesture to you as a gift from me to you! Second......the question I asked myself is "is it really realistic that I will do a blog post every day?" My answer to that question is no. There will be days I miss because "XYZ" takes a bigger priority. This is me stepping into the "real world thinking". So I want all your perfectionists to take note of the question I asked myself........ask yourself the same realistic in your life.....don't live a fairytale are only setting yourself up for doom and gloom and self beat down when you live in a fairytale world. You don't have to be perfect to create a forward's more about consistency you want to create and focus on. So my gift to you is two times a week I will be blogging. Usually it will be Tuesdays and Thursdays but some weeks I might shake it up a bit......first for me working on my perfectionist thinking and to help guide all the perfectionists out there as well. And I might share more on weeks I am really digging in and have more to share! SO....if you are on my mailing will still get your Sunday email! For those that are not on my mailing list! SIGN UP! You sign up here on my web page. If you have issues with that, you can email me directly at Last but not is an insert of my journaling this morning. I want to share with you how I journal and how I talk to myself. It's OFTEN from my future self! I have thought about changing my niche from the self care weight loss coach to the future self coach.....but self care and weight loss speaks mostly to my soul even though I LOVE LOVE LOVE future self work. Remember this........... Your future.....whether it is 1 second or 1 year from now is a blank slate. You get to create your future! Why not create the life YOU choose to create? Today's journaling: 2-22-24 Good morning Sunshine! Happy 2nd Anniversary to you and to Warrior K Coaching! I remember 2 years ago you standing in your kitchen doing a live Facebook video introducing WKC to the world out being scared shitless but going after your dreams at the same time. Yes you stumbled over your words, but you did it. You still stumble over your words at times now....and you will stumble over words in the future...that is life....that just happens. I am proud of the you you were 2 years ago....and I am proud of the you of today! And a year from now you will be looking back on to today and this upcoming can you make yourself feel proud? What are the things YOU want to work on for WKC and yourself and your clients this next year? 1. Get real life situations out there more 2. Be consistent with blogging 3. Do more live interaction 4. Be more consistent when I create content....set time aside every week to work on business stuff....I like doing this more on a weekly schedule verses monthly......I like having my eyes on my business more often.....this creates a sense of presence for me which reaches out to my followers.

5. Build my email list 6. Make 10,0000 more money this year compared to last year. (⬆️ So there you have goals for this year for WKC ⬆️) OK girl....before your journaling time is up let's take a look at what weight loss looks like today?

(yes I set an alarm because I could journal all day! I LOVE TO JOURNAL!) Anything on the schedule today that might get in the way of weight loss besides your thoughts? Remember's always your thoughts that get in your way. No.....nothing on the agenda today. Kammy remember to honor your boundaries for job hunting.....2 hours in the morning and then check your emails later in the day one time. Set your alarm clock to help remind you and cue you into success. You know the thoughts you will have in the moment...."I don't want to stop"......"I have to find a job"......"I wish these people would call me back".......and then you know that you will want to keep searching and you stopping and moving on for the day will create discomfort. You are working on having a great relationship with discomfort because when you step into discomfort, you also grow as a person. And all discomfort is, is a feeling that is created by a thought. That's it. You will fee discomfort as you step away from the job hunt.....and once you get your brain into thinking about something different, that feeling of discomfort will subside and simmer down. Let's also today start packing up some of the stuff you don't need!! That will be fun and keep you living in (my words of the year) Intentional--focused--aliveness. Remember something though.......the only thing that gets carried into the new house are things you love with all your heart. No clutter. If you don't need it or if you don't love it, it does not get to make the trip to the new house. One of your goals for 2024 is to create the life you love.....and that includes the things you bring into your life around you. WK (Warrior K) is someone who does not have a lot of clutter around her! For when she has clutter around her, it also clutters her brain. Less clutter = more time to hear yourself think! WEIGHT LOSS: WHAT DOES THIS SPECIFICALLY LOOK LIKE FOR YOU TODAY? I do not eat until I am physically hungry.

I leave a few bites behind at each meal....take pic and send to accountability group if I remember.

1/2 time pause and then 1/2 time pause my other 1/2 again at supper.

Get my water in throughout the day. Go grab your bottles of water and sit them out after you get done journaling...that helps! Walk the dogs this afternoon and stretch afterwards. It's Thursday.....take a moment tonight and review how your week went.....find your wins....find what you want to work on next week prior to weighing in tomorrow. OK GIRL! YOU GOT THIS! Your future self of tonight is proud of you! LET'S GO!!!! I love you, Warrior K


Well.......there you have journaling form today. I really do hope you enjoy seeing the real Kammy more often. It's not always rainbow and daisies. And I hope the more you "see" of me throughout the year, it inspires YOU to keep going--it inspires YOU to keep reaching for your dreams--it inspires YOU to love yourself just a tiny bit more. Until next time, Hugs, Coach Kammy PS! Don't forget to sign up for my weekly emails that go out on Sunday evenings! You can sing up here or email me at and I will personally add you to the list! The weekly emails are where we talk more about things to work on for the week. That's where we build our skills. That's where we create the foundation of self love weight loss. My blog posts are more of me placing the foundation into action!

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