I’ve been saying “It’s going to be a great day” when my feet hit the floor every morning now for about 1 year. This is part of my morning routine.
I learned The Maui Habit from the behavior scientist B.J. Fogg. He is the author of the book Tiny Habits. If you have not read this book yet, put it on your list of books to read, it’s a good one!
Today I want to talk your morning routine—focusing on the first 10 minutes of your day. These first 10 minutes set the tone and pace for the rest of the day.
Having a morning routine can increase your energy, productivity, and positivity.
Take a moment to access what you do when you first wake up. What are the first thoughts you have in the morning?
Remember it is NORMAL for your first thoughts of the day to be “I’m tired”. You are waking up from sleeping.
I used to let these first thoughts of the day dictate how my day would go. Now let these first few thoughts come in one ear and go out the other. They are negative and I do not want them setting the pace of my day for me.
Often times the first thoughts I have are:
Ugh, I’m tired.
I don’t want to get out of this warm bed.
I just want to sleep some more. OF COURSE I am tired. I am just waking up from sleeping!!! OF COURSE I would think this thought. THIS IS NORMAL.
So now I ease myself into the day. I wiggle my toes, I stretch a bit while still laying in bed to get my blood flow going before I even sit up. I let those “I’m tired” thoughts just come and go KNOWING this is normal for me when I first wake up. Something else that has really helped is to change my alarm from going BEEP BEEP BEEP in my ear to a motivational song I love. Right now my alarm is “I lived” by OneRepublic. I love waking up to this song!!!
Once I sit up I say my morning prayer and I hug myself while I do this.
Have you ever hugged yourself before? I know it might sound silly, but don’t knock it!!! Hugging yourself has very REAL benefits to it. Hugging increases the love hormone—oxytocin.
Oxytocin has a positive effect on your health calming your nervous system and boosts your positivity. Starting my day with a dose of Oxytocin is the way to go!!!
And the last thing I do when I get out of bed as I stand is say “Today is going to be a great day!” Saying these 8 words gets me excited for the day! These words helps eliminate stress and undesired negative emotions that might be present. It starts my day with gusto. I start my day with energy and positivity. When you have a positive attitude, it helps you see the good in everything. With this attitude, you attract good things into your life.
Rest of morning routine:
Take the doggies outside and feed them
Bible and Coffee time
Journal about my day…How do I want to show up today? Any obstacles I might face and how will I choose to handle them.
Get dressed
Last thing I do before I head out into the world is stand in the Super Woman pose in the hallway and tell myself “I’ve got this”. Standing in the Super Woman pose changes your internal biochemistry and fuels self-esteem, boosts your confidence, and increases your overall energy levels. I review in my brain what I just had journaled about and remind myself that no matter what happens God has me and I have my own back.
The Super Woman pose decreases the amount of cortisol in the bloodstream. Cortisol is a stress hormone that clouds your thinking and keeps you in fight-flight freeze mode. And as an advanced certified life coach for weight loss, I work on decreasing stress/cortisol with my clients. Studies have shown chronically high levels of circulating cortisol increases fat storage and raises the risk of obesity. So stand in that Super Woman pose any time you start to feel anxiety rise. Stand tall! Stand proud! Have those internal “I’ve got your back” conversations with yourself.
In closing, I want to say this about having a solid morning routine….
Prepares yourself for the rest of your day
Brightens your mood
Gives you more energy during the day
Reduces anxiety
Boosts your productivity levels
Combats forgetfulness
Improves confidence
How are you taking care of yourself in the morning when you wake up? This is YOUR JOB!!! Taking care of yourself when you first wake up is the ultimate self care and self-love and it is your job to take care of you!!! It feels great to take care of yourself first thing every morning. Life is a gift!!! Hold it close to your heart.
Coach Kammy
PS If you would like to work with me on a 1:1 basis, set up a consultation call today so we can connect. Head over to the “Work With Me” page on my website to schedule. I am an advanced certified weight loss and life coach who helps women LOVE and EMPOWER themselves while losing their physical and mental weight for the last time.